If you've been asked to complete your Level 2 verification, here are some common questions and answers to help you:
1. Can I still withdraw my funds if I don't complete Level 2 verification?
You can withdraw any cryptocurrency funds even if you choose not to complete Level 2 verification. Stake will never withhold your money, and withdrawals are always available.
If you are withdrawing local currency, you will need to have Level 2 verification completed to withdraw your funds.
2. What happens if I miss the 3-month deadline for verification?
If you don’t complete Level 2 verification by 31st December 2024, your account will switch to withdraw only mode. This means you won't be able to deposit or place bets but can still withdraw your funds and claim bonuses. However, as soon as you complete Level 2 verification, you’ll be able to deposit and place bets again.
3. Will my bonuses be affected if I don't complete Level 2 verification?
You can still claim bonuses even if you don't complete Level 2 verification within the 3-month period. However, completing the verification will allow you to access larger bonuses in the future, tailored to your VIP level.
4. What will happen to my VIP progress?
Unfortunately, we can't make exceptions regarding VIP progress. However, if you reach your level-up bonus before January 1st, you don't need to meet any further requirements to receive it.
5. What if I'm an affiliate?
Affiliates can still withdraw their earnings but will be unable to place bets or deposit.
For more information on acceptable documentation for Level 2 verification, click here.
Need Assistance? If you have any questions or need further clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have.